
Showing posts from March, 2022

Filming is Finished Time To Start Editing

 Filming is officially complete and we can now move on to editing! Editing the clips together is a very tedious process that requires much patience. I attempted to edit the movie on iMovie. I had all of the scenes on my phone so it only made sense that I was the one to edit them. And of course I did volunteer myself to edit them as I am a bit of a perfectionists and may not have been happy with my group mates decisions. However I had a lot of difficulty when it came to editing and found it very frustrating. I knew that I needed to swallow my pride and call in help from my good friend Allison. I was having trouble putting the scenes together seamlessly and with good transitions. With my editing our movie just jumped from scene to scene with no transitions. But thankfully Allison FaceTimed me and taught me how to include fade in and fade outs something that I was not used to. She talked me through everything and allowed me to learn to do it for myself rather than just taking over. I ...

Lets Get Filming!

 Today we got lots of filming done! Yesterday was not as accomplished as we spent a lot of time trying to figure out the right place to film. But today we were able to all meet at one place at the same time ready to film. All of the actors quickly got dressed and I went to set up props again. Darrow's parents were not home this day so I had to set up the props by my lonesome without his Moms help. Luckily everything still looked perfect! Once everyone was dressed we had to continue with the scenes. I had the storyboard out and placed the actors where they needed to be. With the help of my friend Eva I would position the actors and she would look through the camera telling me left, right, forward, back, to get the perfect shot. We began filming where we left off, which was Giada aka Jade walking out the door after saying bye to her father. I had to go outside and film Jade walking through the door. I followed the storyboard very closely and made sure to capture the angles that I had...

Props & More!

 We have gotten together a wide variety of props and costumes to make our story come alive! Walkie talkies are a crucial prop to the story line, and one of the group members Allison, suggested we could borrow them from her place of work. Unfortunately after talking to her boss, she said that she felt it unsafe to share walkie talkies due to the current state of the Coronavirus spread. We of course understood and I suggested that we make fake walkie talkies out of cardboard and paint my group members quickly shot that down. Instead we decided to purchase walkie talkies along with fake guns, cigars, and poker. Although after arriving to party city we gathered all of the props and Jade added up the total. It was $63 and we were not wanting to spend more than $10 each so we decided to put back the walkie talkies and just use cell phones instead. This was a hard call but ultimately the other props were more important.  Also the phones would give our movie a much more realistic feel...

Choosing The Music

Since the weather has been rainy there has not been too many opportunities to film. I have a vision of a sunny atmosphere with good lighting so it is important that we can achieve this goal. However wasting time is not an option so in the meantime while we wait for better weather,  each member of the group has a task. My task specifically is finding music. The theme of our movie is definitely more old fashioned and it is crucial that the music portrays this as well. One of the group members, Jade, had the brilliant idea to switch from black&white to color to enhance the "old time" feel. I decided to play on this idea and find some classical music that would match well. I was hoping to include some Frank Sinatra because he is one of my favorites and a very popular artists. However there were too many copyright and trademark loopholes to jump through that made it difficult. Instead I chose to find a similar type of music. I went online to YouTube to start searching for roya...

Delayed a Day

 Unfortunately our group was delayed a day! Of course the group was hoping for an easy shoot but with all of our hectic schedules this was impossible. With 3/4 people in our group having to go to work most days after school it was quite hard to find time to film. Also having not yet figured out where to buy props and how we would afford and or split the cost was an issue that needed to be adressed properly. Luckily my teammates sacrificed their weekend times which is usually used to relax and unwind after a long hard day at school. Unfortunately though the place where we were planning to film, Jades house, was no longer available. Jade's mom had a high fever and of course did not want to get any of us sick. I offered my house as a last resort despite myself having a large family and many dogs, but Darrow is allergic to dogs so that was a no go. We had to find a proper place to film so our group members began texting friends and family asking if we could set up there. We didn't ...


1. Isabella's dad is sitting with his people when she walks out the door to hangout with her friends, she says bye to him 2. Isabella and her friends walk down the street talking when Isabella notices Joey through the window 3. Joey notices Isabella and runs out to find her 4. Joey follows Isabella to the mall and talks to her 5. Isabella's dad finds out about Joey and gets mad