Props & More!
We have gotten together a wide variety of props and costumes to make our story come alive! Walkie talkies are a crucial prop to the story line, and one of the group members Allison, suggested we could borrow them from her place of work. Unfortunately after talking to her boss, she said that she felt it unsafe to share walkie talkies due to the current state of the Coronavirus spread. We of course understood and I suggested that we make fake walkie talkies out of cardboard and paint my group members quickly shot that down. Instead we decided to purchase walkie talkies along with fake guns, cigars, and poker. Although after arriving to party city we gathered all of the props and Jade added up the total. It was $63 and we were not wanting to spend more than $10 each so we decided to put back the walkie talkies and just use cell phones instead. This was a hard call but ultimately the other props were more important. Also the phones would give our movie a much more realistic feel. After getting the props we set out to begin filming! We planned to film at Allisons place of work which is a restaurant. We went around 3 o'clock to the restaurant where we were met with a very hectic crowd of people. Almost all of the tables were full and there were servers running around like chickens with their heads cut off! This was not like the usual atmosphere. We had even scouted the restaurant a weekend prior to make sure it was a good place to film, although we did not take into account football season. Luckily Darrow said that we could go film at his house so the group got in our cars and began our way to Darrow's. We arrived to narrows around 4 o'clock which gave us a few hours to film before the sun went down. Our main characters Darrow, Jade, Allison, and Montana began getting changed into their costumes. I set up the props with the help of Darrow's Mom. She even went as far as to pour apple juice into fancy glasses to make it look like the real thing. We began with filming the scene with Darrow's dad because we did not want to make him wait around. Then we continued on filming the first few scenes and everything went very smoothly. When it hit 6 o'clock we decided to begin wrapping things up and made a plan to meet again at Darrow's house tomorrow.
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