AICE Media Studies Storyboard Blog
Scene 1: The actor will start off coming into school beginning at the top of the stairs in front of the auditorium. A Jan-sport backpack will be laying on a bench right before the stairs. The actor will be running, grab the backpack off the bench and run down the stairs. This will go from an eye level to a low angle, the camera person will move backwards as the actor runs down the stairs. Then the actor will start walking and other friends with Jan-sport backpacks will gather around and walk with them.
Scene 3: As the group of friends with Jansport backpacks are walking they notice the student with the non Jansport that is broken, there books and papers are falling out and they look sad. They all look at each other and know this student needs their help. This shot will be eye level and move from different directions.
Scene 4: One actor in the group pulls out an extra Jan-sport bag and they all start to walk towards the student with the non Jan-sport backpack. This will be on over the shoulder shot.
Scene 5: This will be a close up shot of the actor with the extra Jansport backpack handing it to the other actor who needs help. The two hands will reach and meet in the middle and the actor who needs help grabs the backpack.
Scene 6: The actor puts on their new Jan-sport backpack, this will be a side eye level angle. Then they get up and start walking with the other students with Jan-sports backpacks, they all start to walk to class away from the senior patio. This angle will be from the back.
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