Changes From Film Review
My group is not as on track as intended but we are managing. As I near the end of the final task some last minute touches and loose ends need to be tied up. The filming process has been completed which took quite a long time, however what I did not expect was for the editing process to be even more tedious. Going through take after take picking the perfect one is a lot more challenging than I had imagined but I have grown for it. As Allison finishes up editing I have the task of ensuring that the final task is cohesive and engaging for the audience. If these two criteria are not met then I will have to go back and make some changes. There is also a possibility that we will need to re-film certain scenes if they are not up to my standards, which unfortunately will be another long process, but much worth it in the end. I have been helping my partner Allison with her editing duties and we have almost completed our final version. The last final version seemed to be perfect however when we viewed our work we noticed that music was stopping 10 seconds too soon which needed to be fixed immediately. I went into iMovie and readjusted the music so that I could remedy the issue. Allison had not noticed the mistake but that is why it is important to have other fellow group members check your work because you may not realize until it's too late. Another minor mistake that was missed was an unplanned guest pop up in the back of on of the scenes. Neither I or Allison had realized at the time, but thankfully a different group member, Jade saw the error. When filming one scene of the girls walking we had accidentally included Darrow standing in the back. This was an unfortunate mistake and our group did not want to have to get the costumes, props, and gang back together to re-film such a small scene, so we decided to try other options. Allison had the brilliant idea to zoom in the video in order to crop Darrow out of the corner and it worked like a charm! These small changes were made and we soon had a wonderful smooth video. At this point I felt as if there was nothing more to be done and my group agreed. However I did decide to take the extra step of adjusting the exposure, contrast, and highlights in order to make sure the video was at peak quality. I wanted to be sure that the beautiful background and scenery in our video would pop and be clear as day. Once completing these final steps my group and I had decided that our final task was completed to the best of our ability, and we are proud of what we have accomplished.
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