Filming is Finished Time To Start Editing

 Filming is officially complete and we can now move on to editing! Editing the clips together is a very tedious process that requires much patience. I attempted to edit the movie on iMovie. I had all of the scenes on my phone so it only made sense that I was the one to edit them. And of course I did volunteer myself to edit them as I am a bit of a perfectionists and may not have been happy with my group mates decisions. However I had a lot of difficulty when it came to editing and found it very frustrating. I knew that I needed to swallow my pride and call in help from my good friend Allison. I was having trouble putting the scenes together seamlessly and with good transitions. With my editing our movie just jumped from scene to scene with no transitions. But thankfully Allison FaceTimed me and taught me how to include fade in and fade outs something that I was not used to. She talked me through everything and allowed me to learn to do it for myself rather than just taking over. I greatly appreciated her in those moments and it reminded me why I wanted to be in a group with her to begin with. With her help I was able to put together scenes and include a number of different transitions that flawlessly portrayed scene after scene. I am so thankful to have such a great friend and group mate that I can learn from. After this I went and began adding in the music from a file that I had saved previously when we began our research process. I again had difficulty adding in the music and thankfully Allison was there to help me adjust it so that the music was only present in specific scenes. I also made sure that the music was the correct volume so that it would not blast anyones earbuds out when they were watching. After this Allison suggested that I make the scenes appear more brighter she stated that the camera did not capture the true atmosphere. So I went in and increased the brightness, saturation, and highlights. By doing this I was able to create a much sunnier and brighter atmosphere compared to the more neutral one before. This made the movie more aesthetically pleasing to the eye something important when it comes to media portrayal.


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