
 Filming is all done and editing is an equally important process. Different editing techniques can be used to create different tones and moods in scenes. Yesterday our group re-filmed a couple scenes that were not quite up to par. Jade's dad suggested that we re-film them and we took that and went with it. It was fairly easy to film these scenes again but editing them back in would prove to be much harder. Having already completed the editing process and having put music behind each scene it was nearly impossible to delete scenes and make the music match up again. But we did not have time to start over and edit all of the scenes together from the grinning entirely. So Allison came to the rescue! Somehow she managed to find a new editing software that allowed her to put the new scenes on top of the old scenes while still keeping the music. Kudos to Allison for having the idea to find a new app rather than just believing that it was not possible and going through the trouble of starting over. Allison was able to perfectly align the new clips with the old clips and things seemed perfect. That was until we did one final run through and noticed a major mistake. In one of the scenes Darrow could be seen standing idly by in the background. This ruined the storyline as Darrow had not been introduced to Giada yet so it made no senes for him to be there. This meant that the scene would need to be refilled. Our actors would have to meet together and put on the clothes all again for one small scene. Nobody wanted to do this but there was no other option. Atlas there wasn't until Allison thought up a plan to crop Darrow's head out, since he was in the corner. If the audience could only see his body whose to say he's not just a random extra. This worked perfectly and we thankfully did not have to re-film anymore scenes. 


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