AICE Media Studies Editing Blog: Music

 Today my group and I finished editing our commercial! I was able to complete a lot of work on the commercial the prior week, and all that was left for my group and I to do was the music. Allison, my group member, went on YouTube and started searching for non-copyright music. She played some options and I helped her narrow down the favorites. I went on I-Movie and added the songs to the commercial one by one. Allison and I listened to the music and watched the commercial, we decided which song fit best for the tone we were trying to display. We started off with an upbeat happy song, I thought this would go well with our Jan-sport ad. However this did not make sense for some scenes, such as the one with the frustrated actor throwing his supplies on the ground. I thought it would be best to search for less cheerful music and instead something calming. Allison added the calm music to the commercial and I decided whether or not it fit. It did not. The calming music made the commercial too boring, so I needed to find a good in-between. After looking on YouTube a little bit more I was finally able to find a good sound that was cheerful, while still being peaceful. The sound is called 'upbeat and happy background music' found on YouTube. Allison again, added the new music to the commercial using the I-Movie app and we watched it to see if it matched the mood. This time it did! All we had to do after finding the song was adjust it to the length of video clips. Allison and I sat down and watched our final project together, and at the end we were very happy with our work. My group and I decided that it would be wise to show our commercial to our fellow classmates and get some feedback. They enjoyed our commercial and said it was overall very good. Together my partner and I created our first ever commercial, and while it may not be perfect I am proud of the work that I have done.


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